Wednesday, October 21, 2009

What are some rude things in Japanese culture that some Westerners might do without thinking? And maybe vice versa?

-it's considered very rude to blow your nose in public in Japan, whereas in America it's okay.
-public drunkenness is very acceptable in Japan, but in America you can get arrested for it.
-the rules about shoes inside is very strict in Japan, but in America nobody pays attention to it. The only rule is to wear shoes when out in public.
-it's good to make slurping noises when eating noodles in Japan, but in America it seems rude and annoying to eat loudly.

What else? :)


  1. I have one: "Is this your boyfriend?"

  2. HA! I've gotten asked that when hanging out with Bill sometimes. I guess since he and I are both Americans together in a foreign country it's automatically assumed or something. Quite audacious!
